Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An example of menu planning

Here is an example of menu planning for Mr X (male) and Ms Y (female) (for you all to reference). A healthy menu should includes carbohydrate (CHO) sources of foods, protein sources, vegetables, fruits as well as adequate fluid intake. For breakfast, I will suggest sandwich by preparing 2 or 3 slices of wholemeal or wholegrain meal (150-225Kcal), one hard boil egg or 40g tuna/salmon (65 Kcal) and lastly add on some lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber. We can calculate this whole dish contain 225-290 Kcal. If you would like to make it tastier, add on 1tsp mayonnaise which will give u another 45 Kcal. There might be some people prefer to take noodles as breakfast, one  bowl of mihun/ kuey teow / mee can give around 225 Kcal, addons such as fish-ball or fishcake will contribute around 65 Kcal, or adding fried egg (egg=65 Kcal, cooking oil for fried=90 Kcal), so total up will get 445 Kcal. Usually, we estimate there are 2 tsp of cooking oil for frying, so just a small reminder at here, fried foods absorb more oil compare to others cooking method (steam, stir-fry; baked or roast).

For lunch and dinner menu calculation,here are the guidelines for different portion size.
1 chinese bowl of rice(CHO)=225 Kcal, add on with >1/2 cup stir fry vegetables (vegetables, cooking oil and assume the vege has no calories, taking count for cooking oil only (45 Kcal)), one whole moderate steam fish (protein, cooking oil) is 130 Kcal, oil is estimated equals to 90 Kcal, so the total calorie intake for lunch is  around 490 Kcal. It is suggested to take 1 piece or 1 slice of fruit after meal such as orange/apple/pear/papaya/watermelon. One slice of fruit usually provides 60 Kcal. There might be some people prefer western style of lunch or dinner included spaghetti or fried rice/mee. One chinese bowl of spaghetti/pasta contributes 225 Kcal, add on chicken meatballs (60g=130 Kcal) or fish slices (80g=70 Kcal), mash potatoes (1/2 cup=75 Kcal), carrot slices, onions and other vegetables. The sauces will provide around 90 Kcal. Thus, the total calorie for whole dish is around 445-460 Kcal.

Thus, we could estimate if a normal body weight adult female Ms Y who only take 3 main meals in a day can distribute 300 to 400 Kcal for breakfast, 500 Kcal for lunch and dinner, so the total energy intake is around 1300-1400 Kcal only. For male adult Mr X, an extra one serving compare to Ms Y can distribute 500 Kcal for breakfast, 600-700 Kcal for lunch and dinner, that makes around 1800-2000 Kcal in a day. Of course, if you would like to take snack in between the meal time, it is suggested to cut down 100 Kcal distribution for each meal, you might be serving 300 Kcal for your snacks. However, the most important factor is the food choice. If the choice is healhty, without exceeding the requirements that you need such as not high saturated fat, high sugar (sweet) or high sodium content, you are having a healthy and balance meal everyday. If you are on diet, I recommend to go for low fat, fresh and natural food choice such as vegetables (salad) and fruits for your snacks.

在这里,我想分享一个例子,让大家可以尝试健康的菜单。一个健康的菜单应包括碳水化合物的食物来源,蛋白质来源,蔬菜,水果以及足够的水分。早餐,我会建议可以享用一些简单三明治。这包括准备23全麦面包(150 -225Kcal),一粒水煮鸡蛋或40克金枪鱼/鲑鱼(65Kcal),最后加上一些生菜,西红柿和黄瓜。我们可以计算整份三文治大约含有225-290卡路里。如果您想使其更加美味,可以添加1茶匙蛋黄酱,这将给另外45卡路里。有一些人喜欢把面食当早餐。一碗米粉,面或河粉约提供225卡路里30克鱼丸或鱼饼加入将有65卡路里,如果加上在另一煎鸡蛋(鸡蛋= 65大卡,烹调油油炸= 90千卡),所以总共是445卡路里。普遍情况下,我们估计用2茶匙油去煎炸一份食物,所以在这里只是一个小提醒,油炸食物会是食物吸收更多的油,所以健康的烹饪方法(蒸,炒,烤或烤)比较健康。


1碗米饭(碳水化合物食物)= 225卡路里,加入>1 / 2杯炒蔬菜(蔬菜,食用油)=蔬菜无卡路里,只算油有45卡路里,一个中等蒸鱼(蛋白质,烹调油)= 130卡路里,油=90卡路里,所以午餐大约是490卡路里。饭后,是建议食用1个或1片水果如橙/苹果//木瓜/西瓜。一个/片水果通常提供60卡路里。可能有一些人喜欢西式午餐或晚餐,包括意大利面或炒饭/面等。一碗意大利面/面食提供225卡路里,加一些鸡肉丸(60= 130卡路里)或鱼片(80= 70卡路里),马铃薯泥(1 /2= 75卡路里),一些胡萝卜片,洋葱和其他蔬菜。酱料将提供约90卡路里。因此,晚餐总热量大约是445-460卡路里


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Food pyramid as a guide for menu planning

According to Food Guide Pyramid, we should take 50-60 % of Carbohydrate (CHO) foods, 15-20% protein and <30% fat. Out bodies need different nutrients in varying amount as suggested above (e.g. more energy-giving carbohydrates, moderate levels of protein and small quantities of vitamins and minerals). Therefore I would like to provide information based on the percentage of sources, the picture I found above is a general view of food guide pyramid but I want to comment specifically on each sources. CHO food sources include rice, noodles, bread, oats, biscuit, starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, carrot, corn, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, peas and beans); protein sources include fish, chicken, beef, lamb, egg, milk and dairy products; fat sources include fatty part of meats and cooking oil.

For CHO calculation, we assume that 1 chinese bowl of rice contains around 225 Kcal which is equal to 3 pieces of bread or 9 pieces of plain cream crackers. Thus, for male adult, it is recommend to take 1 chinese bowl or 1 1/3 chinese bowl for each meal; for female, allow to take 1 chinese bowl for each meal. For snacking purpose, you can take 1 to 2 pieces of bread or maximum 6 pieces of biscuit.

For protein calculation, we assume that 30g of meats without bone contain around 65 Kcal and 40g of fish contain aorund 35 Kcal. The protein for these is around 7g. Thus, it is suggested for you to take 60g of meats daily or 1 small fish for lunch and dinner to get adequate protein to support daily life.

For fat calculation, we assume one tespoon of cooking oil contains 5 g fat which means providing 45 Kcal.

I hope with these information and tips provided, you can have a better understanding on food pyramid guidance and plan your own meal from the base of pyramid in a healthier and balance way. Cheers.

根据食物金字塔,我们应该采取50-60%的碳水化合物食物,15-20%的蛋白质<30%的脂肪。 碳水化合物食物来源包括米,面,米粉,面包,燕麦,饼干,淀粉类蔬菜(土豆,胡萝卜,玉米,红薯,南瓜,豌豆,豆类),蛋白质来源包括鱼肉,鸡肉,牛肉,羊肉,鸡蛋,牛奶和乳制品,脂肪来源包括肉类,食用油脂肪等

对于碳水化合物食物的计算,我们假设1碗米饭中含有约225卡路里,相等于三片面包或9片饼干。因此,对于成年男性,这是建议可食用1碗或1 1/3; 女性则可摄取每餐1碗。对于喝早茶或下午茶,可摄取12片面包或饼干6



Sunday, May 15, 2011

A simple case study of calories calculation

Hi, it's a frustrating yesterday as Blogger was down and my latest post was somehow missing until it appeared again after fixed. Well, hope similar incident is not happening again.
Lets take an example for calorie calculation of snack that I collected from a patient. She took a piece of chocolate which contains 135 Kcal, a cup soy milk contains roughly 150 Kcal and one small box of raisin with 45 Kcal with dietary fiber 1g. The total calories for her snack would be around 330 Kcal. From this example, we should determine the balance of macronutrients distribution towards a food choice. We know that chocolate contains high amount of saturated fat and sugar, so it is not desirable for daily consumption, I recommend to only take once or twice in a month.While soy milk is a type of drink which is high in protein, a type of good source of plant protein, suitable for daily consumption for normal people. If you are a diabetes patient, you might need to be aware on the sugar level in the food label of your snack. The last item- raisin which is high in dietary fiber is suggested to take in daily in order to achieve 20-30g dietary fiber in a day. Thus, from my explanation, we can determine which type of foods that can provide benefits to our body rather than just depends on calories counter, others factor are needed to be consider (such as medical history, family medical history (gene) and your current health condition).


Thursday, May 12, 2011

A reading from nutrition facts (cont)

A tips of how we can analyze facts from food label. When the it shows total fat >13 g per serving means high fat; saturated fat > 4g per serving means high in saturated fat; cholesterol > 60mg per serving means high cholesterol and High sodium (salt) when > 480 mg per serving. You ought to choose wisely according to your health condition (such as avoid certain food if serving exceeds the amount you should take)
There is actually a recommended nutrients intake for each type of macronutrients and micronutrients in our daily foods. For example, a person should not take exceed than 300 mg cholesterol in a day and > 2400 mg sodium for disease protection. Thus, we need to practice a moderate and balance healthy diet. Tomorrow I will post an example of calories calculation taken from one of my case study. It is a good reference for all.

当总脂肪食品标签显示每份<13,这意味着高脂肪; 高饱和脂肪如果每份>4克,胆固醇每份>60毫克意味着高胆固醇,当钠每份>480毫克显示高盐份

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Smart reading every food label

How do we calculate our daily calories intake? The most common answer is Read food label to measure the amount you take. Here is a simple tip, we should learn to be a smart consumer in reading food label, go for free or low health claims when purchase foods that might contain sugar, fats, sodium and calorie for healthy purpose. When the label shows that calorie per serving for that particular food is <5 Kcal means it is calorie free; sugar free if <0.5g per serving; fat free if <0.5g per serving; sodium free if <5mg; Trans fat free if <0.5g per serving and cholesterol free if <2mg per serving.

While for low health claims, <40 Kcal per serving means low calorie; low fat if <3g per serving; low sodium if <140mg per serving and low cholesterol if <20mg per serving. So, consumers and healthy diet lovers, please read and choose wisely. It can make a difference for your health in a long term period. In case you need any advice, feel free to email me too!

在这里,我也想分享一些读取食品标签时有用的技巧。我们应该学会作为一个精明消费者的利益,以确定摄取的成分。我鼓励购买时,选购零或低成分的食品,这包括糖,脂肪,钠和卡路里。当标签显示该特定的食物,每份食物的热量是‘5卡路里’意思是零卡路里的;无糖如果每份<0.5克,无脂肪如果每份<0.5; 无钠如果每份<5毫克;无反式脂肪如果每份<0.5 和无胆固醇如果每份<2毫克

至于低食品标签的例子,低热量每份<40卡路里,低脂肪如果每份<3; 低钠如果每份<140mg,低胆固醇如果每份<20毫克

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Energy Intake Calculation

Good day, is time for us to learn how to do simple calculation on BMI and calories Kcal. For energy intake calculation, the first data you need is your current weight and height. Base on formula, you should start from calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). It is very easy, BMI=weight (kg)/Height (m2). If your BMI is among range of 18.5 until 22.9 for Asian people means is a normal weight; for Caucasian people, BMI is within 18.5 till 24.9 for a normal body weight. Then, your energy intake will be similar as my previous post What's your calorie in a day? . For those underweight with BMI<18.5, you will need an additional of 500 Kcal in a day, for overweight (BMI >23 Asian, >25 Caucasian) or obese (BMI >25 Asian, >30 Caucasian), you need to minus 500 Kcal for your daily calories. The minimum calorie intake for those under self control overweight or obese is 1200 Kcal. This is a friendly reminder to those who tend to skip meal due to weight control and so on. You should not consume below than this calorie intake unless you are under physician or dietitian supervision. This is because low calorie intake can lead to several health problem, so treat it seriously and be responsible. Hope you enjoy this information and start measuring today.

对于卡路里的摄入量计算,你第一个需要的数据是现在的体重和身高。根据公式,开始计算你的身体质量指数。这是很容易计算,身体质量 =  体重(公斤) / 身高(平方米2。在亚洲国家,如果你的身体质量指数在18.522.9范围内,是属于正常体重; 白种人的身体质量指数18.524.9代表正常。你的卡路里摄取量就是如之前我所提议的  What's your calorie in a day? 。对于那些身体质量BMI<18.5,则需要每天添加而外的500卡路里,超重者(亚洲人身体质量BMI>23,白种人身体质量BMI>25)或肥胖亚洲人身体质量BMI>25; 白种人身体质量BMI>30),需要每天减少500卡路里。超重或肥胖者,根据自我的最低控制卡路里摄取量为1200卡路里。因此,您是不应该摄取比1200卡路里还要低的卡路里,除非你是在医生或饮食治疗师的监督下。这是因为过低的卡路里可导致严重的健康问题,所以应该认真控制。

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Calories you should take (Overweight)

Hi, it is just nice to have a short holiday and recharge your mind as well as relax from your hectic work. Here is one main thing I notice during my holiday which relate to the recent topic, I saw many groups of overweight person having seafood cuisine dinner and with a large amount of foods too. Of course, it is definitely not a proper meal for overweight/obese person and honestly some patients hate dietitian mumbling on their eating and so on. But, thats my job and I still stick to my concept "Eat to live healthier". Those who are overweight or obese can choose NOT to directly undergo a drastic cut off of calorie intake immediately due to metabolism problem and self control determination. It is suggested you should observe how much calorie intake in your usual daily life (try to collect the food you ate daily and calculate at night before sleep), then slowly cut down around 500 Kcal from your total intake. For example, if your usual intake is around 2500 Kcal in a day, then it is suggested you should try on cut down to 2000 Kcal first, then after few weeks of used with the energy intake then only decrease calorie intake again to 1500 Kcal.
